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Author Topic: Penalty for killing civilians  (Read 1687 times)

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Offline Zombie

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Penalty for killing civilians
« on: 05 Oct 2008, 13:14:41 »
  I have been working and finally got civilians to spawn in towns this way:
Code: [Select]
;Description: defines everything needed for the Resistance.

_n = ["DefaultTeam"]
_u = [GLEADER]
_u = _u + [GSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [GSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [GSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [GSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [GSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [GMEDIC]
_u = _u + [GSNIPER]
_u = _u + [GGSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [GMGSOLDIER]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN2]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN2]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN3]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN3]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN3]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN4]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN4]
_u = _u + [CIVILIAN4]
in the server/config/config_resistance.sqs, and I also added them to the resistance barracks, but there is no bounty for killing them.  I am guessing if I set their _c value to something negative, like -250, the bounty will be negative.  Problem is they are not recognized as enemies so no bounty is awarded.
  Any ideas?

Offline colligpip

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Re: Penalty for killing civilians
« Reply #1 on: 05 Oct 2008, 23:22:28 »
hey I have been trying to do this, can get the negative value to work for resistance but if I chnage them to civs no worky any ideas anybody?

Offline r6751

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Re: Penalty for killing civilians
« Reply #2 on: 02 Apr 2009, 23:56:30 »
Why don't you just have a trigger to count civs at mission start, and again if any new ones are made. The variable can be checked from time to time, or at end. If the count is less, penalty!!  I have written such a script, but it simply displays an angry message from HQ and says the general has ordered an investigation.

WW2 - The Big One
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