mando_hitch_no_check_for_drop = true;
;mando_hitch_types = ["LandVehicle","ship", "Air", "ReammoBox", "StaticWeapon"];
mando_hitch_types = ["M113Ambul","UralRepair","UralRefuel","UralReammo","Stryker_ICV_M2","ReammoBox"];
mando_hitch_types_heavy = ["Air", "StaticWeapon"];
mando_hitch_heavies = ["UH60MG"];
[["UH60MG", "MH6"]]execVM"mando_hitch\mando_add_hitch.sqf";
The UH60MG can pick up ammo boxes and these trucks.
The UH60MG will not pick up Strykers/M113 Ambul.
The stryker and M113 Ambul are on a raised platform using "setpos". This is the only thing I can think of that is causing the problem. Also, the raised platform is in the middle of the ocean. I have tried setting the value of "[12]" to 7 but that does not do anything to help...
Even though it doesn't seem it.... thank you very much for your hard work Madoble
I tried using "LandVehicles" and that does not work either.
So now I put these two vehicle on land and they are able to be picked up.... So I guess trying to pick them up on a raised platform is the problem. If you set the m113 Ambul/Stryker on a platform lower than 2.5 it will pick it up...