New release v0.5.0 - This is the first version available as an addon as well as a mission-script.
- Added
* Now available as an addon, by popular demand!
* Grid measurement overlays added (suggested by TheDog).
* Mils are displayed, as well as degrees, when measuring angles.
* GPS, which can show grid coordinates (with 2-8 digit map reference), height ASL (on ground) or height AGL (in air), centre map on player (air only) or auto-track player (air only).
* Tools window, compass and GPS can now be dragged around the screen.
* When placing markers, you can click a "Send" button, rather than having to press the <enter> key (suggested by Q.Proper).
* When in an aircraft and looking at the map, an "EJECT" button is available.
* Markers are sorted alphabetically in the list and can be filtered with Alt + letter (suggested by Q.Proper).
- Modified
* Compass made transparent to make it useful as a protractor (suggested by TheDog).
- Fixed
* SPON Map and vanilla map aren't synchronised properly.
* Compass is shown even if it is disabled in the mission.
* Compass direction marker goes over the edge of the compass.
* Current time, and time of sending a message, are shown even if watch is disabled in the mission.
* When querying tell, group and vehicle markers that you have sent, the target is shown as a nil error.