This is probably a noob question but it has been years since I even touched this.
I am trying to implement a script in my mission. It a script called "mando_laser". When i run the intro of this script i get this text from the "action menu" on the middle of the screen. Example: If my action is: "Activate launcher" the text comes up in the middle of my screen. When I have selected and used "Activate launcher" it change to "Deactivate launcher". The thing is I do not want this to happen. I want the action menu to work but i dont want this text in the middle of the screen. So I have been told using the parameter "showWindow" in the addAction for this "Activate launcher" would help if i set it to be false.
I wanna use the showWindow parameter in "addAction".
unit addAction [action, script filename, (arguments, priority,
showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut)]
This is the line I want to have the showWindow parameter in. And I want it to be false.
player addAction ["Activate launcher", "activatelauncher.sqf", [true]];
I made this work and the text was gone by using this below but it gave me and error when i actually used the action "Activate launcher" in the actionmenu.
player addAction ["Activate launcher", "activatelauncher.sqf",0,0,false];
If I used it gave me an error when testing it.
player addAction ["Activate launcher", "activatelauncher.sqf",0,0,false[true]];
I think something in "activatelauncher.sqf" needs that [true] in the addAction.
The information on this topic was rather wage in Ofpec Comref. So I am turning towards all you scripters out there.
Thanks in advance.