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unit = _this select 0;_vec = _this select 1;_Vehicle = typeOf _vec;_rank1 = rank1;_rank2 = rank2;_rank3 = rank3;_rank4 = rank4;_rank5 = rank5;_rank6 = rank6;_dunit = _unit;_warning = 0;if (not (local _unit)) exitwith {};EVO_Eject = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit action ["ENGINEOFF", vehicle _unit]; _unit action ["Eject",vehicle _unit]; sleep 1; _unit action ["Eject",vehicle _unit];};if (getdammage _vec == 0) then{ _vec setdammage 0.01;};if (not (isPlayer _unit)) then{ _dunit = (leader _unit);};switch (_Vehicle) do{ case "DC3": { if (score _dunit < _rank2) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank2] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player and _vec in list AirportIn) then {wcam = _vec addaction ["Taxi to runway", "actions\taxi.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; }; case "F-16CP": { if (score _dunit < _rank6) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank6] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]};init = _vec addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"];}; case "AH1W": { if (score _dunit < _rank6) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank6] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; }; case "M60A3": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "F16CC": { if (score _dunit < _rank6) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank6] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; init = _vec addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"]; }; case "Stryker_TOW": { if (score _dunit < _rank3) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank3] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "F16CG": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; init = _vec addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"]; }; case "AH6": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "UH60": { if (score _dunit < _rank4) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank4] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; towInt = _vec addAction ["*Hitch Vehicle*","scripts\towVcl.sqs"]; }; case "Vulcan": { if (score _dunit < _rank4) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank4] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "UH60MG": { if (score _dunit < _rank3) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank3] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; towInt = _vec addAction ["*Hitch Vehicle*","scripts\towVcl.sqs"]; }; case "M113": { if (score _dunit < _rank3) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank3] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "Stryker_ICV_MK19": { if (score _dunit < _rank4) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank4] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "Stryker_ICV_M2": { if (score _dunit < _rank3) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank3] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "MH6": { if (score _dunit < _rank2) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank2] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "HMMWVTOW": { if (score _dunit < _rank2) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank2] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "Truck5tMG": { if (score _dunit < _rank1) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank1] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "Truck5t": { if (score _dunit < _rank0) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank0] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject};loadr= _vec addaction ["Load static", "load_static.sqf"];}; case "HMMWVMK": { if (score _dunit < _rank2) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank2] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "HMMWV50": { if (score _dunit < _rank1) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank1] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "ZSU": { if (score _dunit < _rank4) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank4] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "BMP2": { if (score _dunit < _rank4) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank4] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "BRDM2": { if (score _dunit < _rank3) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank3] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "BRDM2_ATGM": { if (score _dunit < _rank3) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank3] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "T72": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "UAZMG": { if (score _dunit < _rank1) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank1] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "UAZ_AGS30": { if (score _dunit < _rank2) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank2] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "Su34": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; init = _vec addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"]; }; case "Su34B": { if (score _dunit < _rank6) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank6] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; init = _vec addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"]; }; case "KA50": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; if(_unit == player) then {wcam = _vec addaction [localize "EVO_025", "actions\wepcam.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"]}; }; case "Mi17": { if (score _dunit < _rank4) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank4] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; towInt = _vec addAction ["*Hitch Vehicle*","scripts\towVcl.sqs"]; }; case "Mi17_MG": { if (score _dunit < _rank5) then {_handle = [_dunit,_rank5] execVM "scripts\req.sqf";[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; towInt = _vec addAction ["*Hitch Vehicle*","scripts\towVcl.sqs"]; }; case "M113Ambul": { if (!(player isKindOf "SoldierWMedic")) then {[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "BMP2Ambul": { if (!(player isKindOf "SoldierWMedic")) then {[_unit] call EVO_Eject}; }; case "Truck5tRepair": { if (player isKindOf "SoldierWMiner") then { if(not (isNull ltrk)) then { ltrk removeaction elock; ltrk lock false; }; if(ltrk != _vec) then {elock = _vec addaction ["Lock Truck", "actions\englock.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"];ltrk = _vec}; }; }; case "UralRepair": { if (player isKindOf "SoldierWMiner") then { if(not (isNull ltrk)) then { ltrk removeaction elock; ltrk lock false; }; if(ltrk != _vec) then {elock = _vec addaction ["Lock Truck", "actions\englock.sqf",0,1, false, true,"test2"];ltrk = _vec}; }; };};if(_unit != player) exitWith {};if(_vec isKindOf "Air") then{ if(_Vehicle == "AV8B") then { _fireb = _vec addEventHandler["Fired",{if ((_this select 2) == "BombLauncher") then {trkbmb = [(_this select 0)] execVM "scripts\Trkbmb.sqf"}}]; }; /* _hit = player addEventHandler ["hit", { _rnd = round(random 2); switch (_rnd) do { case 0: { driver (_this select 0) say "Hit1"; hint "hit1"; }; case 1: { driver (_this select 0) say "Hit2"; hint "hit2"; }; case 2: { driver (_this select 0) say "Hit1"; hint "hit3"; }; }; }]; if(_hit > 0) then {_vec removeEventHandler ["hit", _hit]}; */setViewDistance avdist;};_getin = _vec addEventHandler ["GetIn", {handle = [(_this select 0),(_this select 1)] execVM call EVO_Boarding}];if(_getin > 1) then {_vec removeEventHandler ["GetIn", _getin];};Waituntil {player != driver _vec};_vec removeaction wcam;_vec removeaction towInt;_vec removeaction init;_vec removeaction loadr;_vec removealleventhandlers "Fired";setViewDistance vdist;
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