If I attach here this (not solved) version of my mission, it can help?
put it up!
might want to move it to beta testing arma, mission of campaign.
and one question the' gunner position in a M119'
is he set to always there!, ‘in probability %100!' ,,, I hope you know what I mean with unit!
I have played your camp estrella, I think 3 missions
Everything plays well, just needs some touch ups,,,,,,, I will relpey in your camp tread about them.
just d/l'd the new ver.
Is there any way that you could script the friendly gunners to be unassigned when you save and reassigned when you restore?
@Pnut that sounds like a hard one to do!!!!!!! but if i works
i would just try moving the save game and see what happens, ,,,,,,,,, cant hurt!
cheers Schuler