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Author Topic: Radio Trigger Problems  (Read 1095 times)

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Offline snafu

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Radio Trigger Problems
« on: 18 May 2008, 15:18:52 »

In one of my missions I have a trigger which is set to Radio Alpha for the next objective to appear. I have the radio option hidden by putting the radio "null" in the init file. I have a trigger placed over the area the player radios from with the show radio code in its init.

The problem is that the player who is part of a group is supposed to activate this trigger. However the radio option only appears on the radio on the map and not on the 0-0 part. Although it seems that if the player is alone and sets the trigger of himself does it show both ways.

How do I make the radio option appear on the map radio as well as by 0-0-1?

Offline schuler

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Re: Radio Trigger Problems
« Reply #1 on: 18 May 2008, 15:33:36 »
dont use a radio alpha for the next obj,,,, but
if this helps though           radio = true ,,,,, true kills the null i beleave
i am a bit lost on this because i never tryed it that way
i would go about it differently
cheers schuler
Semper Fi

Offline Rommel92

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Re: Radio Trigger Problems
« Reply #2 on: 18 May 2008, 22:18:35 »

You appear to be describing that the player is not the group leader, and seeing as only group leaders can activate the triggers through the radio menu (0-0-x), this fits perfectly.
(Stupidly you can cheat this by the map radio however).

I've never used radio menus before, it had too many MP issues. (The Dynamic coded ones) :P

Offline snafu

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Re: Radio Trigger Problems
« Reply #3 on: 18 May 2008, 23:54:10 »
I see. Feel a bit daft now.

Cheers for the information.

Another thing was that one guy who played the mission said the option did not appear in his map radio. I never ever encountered this during testing. I am assuming this is an ArmA bug?

Offline loki72

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Re: Radio Trigger Problems
« Reply #4 on: 19 May 2008, 15:18:36 »

here is my very limited 2 cents...

in MP dedicated server scripting...

if you want all to see the radio, this should be in the description.ext

Code: [Select]
and; or;

if you call it from a script, the init.sq? should say:

Code: [Select]
_trgobjA = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position player ];
_trgobjA setTriggerText "name you want to see in the menu";
_trgobjA setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA", "PRESENT", true];
_trgobjA setTriggerStatements ["this", "squad = [a] exec ""zulu\scripts\order66.sqs""",""];

"zulu\scripts\order66.sqs" is replaced by what your script calls for.

if you use .sqf it should be:
"squad = [a] execVM ""zulu\scripts\order66.sqf""",""

and; or; if it is needed after each spawn and if it is attached to a 'weapon':
Code: [Select]
//  mando keep action
// attach the radio script and keep it after respawn
[] spawn
  private["_acidx1", "_acidx2", "_unit", "_veh"];
  _acidx1 = -1;
  _acidx2 = -1;
  while {true} do
     waitUntil {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)};
     _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: your radio alpha name", "your script.sq?"];
     while {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)} do
        _unit = player;
        if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then
           _veh = vehicle _unit;
           _acidx2 = vehicle _unit addAction ["Console: your action name", "your script.sq?"];                 
           waitUntil {(vehicle _unit == _unit) || (!alive _unit)};
           _veh removeAction _acidx2;
        Sleep 1;
     _unit removeAction _acidx1;

/// end mando keep action

hope it helps

« Last Edit: 19 May 2008, 16:10:27 by loki72 »