Hey, I guess I'm new to the boards, Ive been lurking around for a bit, been playing OFP on and off since it came out but in the last 3 months just started learning external scripting/descriptions/briefings/everything. I finally have ArmA working on my laptop, so anyway, Iv'e got a problem.
I tried searching and I have the same problem as the author of the mission "The Sahrani Run" When I save a game any way, I get a crash to desktop upon loading. I've been trying to make a mission to upload here, but as I've been working on it for like a month and now It's got this bug, Its kinda frustrating. As I'm pretty new to this, I don't care I'll just remove whats causing it in the mission. I looked over the other threads and couldn't find a culprit. Does anyone know what causes this bug as I'll just remove it from the mission. I don't know where to look, I have lots of triggers, some event handlers, lots of little scripts, etc, etc. I know how to work around it, like it says in the other thread, but I rather just not have this in my first mission. I've read that lots of variables could cause it, but my mission is not that big...