Movies in ArmA/OFP is possible since some time, but it is done as loki72 pointed out, in single frames.
Normally you would have to define every single frame in the description.ext of your mission but there is
light at the end of the tunnel...
Mapfact has released a dialog tutorial 4 years ago, "EinblendungenTutorial4b" includes a demo mission which plays a BHD
sequence (the quality is pretty low because the jpeg itself has been stretched) .
You just have to change the font in the description.ext to ArmA fonts, extract the movie you want to play as bmp,
mass convert to jpeg (set name to FrameXXX,add canvas to avoid stretching, experiment with different quality and size, I got 1:30 minutes of Spongebob in acceptable quality down to 3mb, which is ok imo). script is working just great
, I wonder why nobody used it so far.
And here some explanation of the camera.sqs, where the info about the movie is stored
(might be hard to tell from the readme if you don't speak german
) :
titleRsc ["Text_1","BLACK OUT",0]
0 fadeMusic 1
playMusic "tribal" //"Sound" of the movie, even if you put it before the movie starts, it loads some second later than the movie though, so you have to add an empy area with e.g. audacity, I think it was around 1.2 seconds, it's not hard to get it right, just try//
titleRsc ["Text_2","BLACK OUT",0] //just a text saying blabla demonstration, can be left out if the movie should start instant//
titletext [" ","BLACK IN"]
_ok = createdialog "DlgVideo"
ctrlshow [106, false]
_i = 1
_delay = 1/24 //IMPORTANT, here you set how many frames should be shown per second, if set to a very slow value you can create slideshows...//
ctrlshow [106, true]
ctrlsettext [107, "Black Hawk Down"]
;Video abspielen===================================
ctrlsettext [106, format ["video\Frame%1.jpg", _i]]
_i = _i + 1
?_i < 182:goto "loop" //IMPORTANT: Here you define at which frame the movie stops, if you have 400 frames you have to change it to 400//
TitleCut ["","BLACK",2]
closedialog 0
TitleCut ["","BLACK IN",2]
hint "Ende der Demonstration."
Ende = true