Yes i to thought that these forums were to get help not to be told without advice that your wrong.
I said that the
a d v i c e was wrong, I didn't accuse any person being wrong..
And I'm a moderator, so if I see something that in my opinnion requires moderating I do that, or are you saying that there could not be any moderating done unless some answer to the original question was given?
And I'm sorry that this thread is now drawn into this complete off-topic crap, I would be more than happy to continue this via PMs if you feel this is worth continuing.
I don't think it is myself..
As for the original question, have you tried using that suggested unitPos "UP" in a looping script?
might work..
Put in any unit's init field (just one per group though):
this exec "script.sqs"
{_x setUnitPos "UP"} forEach (units group _this);
? (count ({alive _x} forEach (units group _this))) > 0: goto "for"
That live check thing probably doesn't work, but something in that effect