Well if you really wanted it in script file form, all you had to do was ask, I just write things in trigger sometimes because its easier to manage.
nul = [WEST,"SoldierWB",(position LogicWEST),[],"FORM",10,(position LogicMoveTo)] execVM "make.sqf"; nul = [EAST,"SoldierEB",(position LogicEAST),[],"FORM",10,(position LogicMoveTo)] execVM "make.sqf";
/* [side,type, position, markers, special, number of units, moveToPosition] execVM "make.sqf" */
_side = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_position = _this select 2;
_markers = _this select 3;
_special = _this select 4;
_number = _this select 5;
_moveTo = _this select 6;
_group = createGroup _side;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<_number}, {_i=_i+1}] do
_man = _group createUnit [_type, _position, _markers, 0, _special];
(leader _group) doMove position _moveTo;
While {count _group > 0} do {sleep 2.0};
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _group;
deleteGroup _group;
EDIT: IronMan, theres a lot more that changes in that script, because he has a set of scopes.