hi i did a few CFT maps befor but i formated my puter and i lost the tutorial stuff so i got a new 1 of the OPEC but im haveing trouble i get the flag take it back to my flag and it dont score hummmmmmmmmmmm
here is the stuff i used maybe its no quite right
The next trigger is used to detect if the team capture the flag. In this case,
the goal is your flag.
Name: West Capture
X: 0
Y: 0
Activate: Repeatedly
Condition: WestTakeFlag AND !EastTakeFlag AND (OwnerOfEastFlag distance WestFlag < 5)
Activation: WestScore = WestScore + 1; OwnerOfEastFlag SetFlagOwner EastFlag;
EastFlag SetFlagSide EAST
Effect: Text, Plain, West capture the flag!
It is activate if west side have take the east flag and if the east side haven't
take the west flag. And last, but not least, if the owner of the east flag stand
under 5 meters of his flag.