I want to make a mission where groups can be created at a certain position and assault a town (marker "town1").
So, as a tester to see if this was possible, I made this:
_player = _this select 0
_pos = getpos _player
_x = _pos select 0 +5
_y = _pos select 1 +5
_pos1 = [_x,_y,0]
L1 = "OfficerW" createunit [_pos1,group _player]
[L1] join grpnull
_group = group L1
"SoldierWB" createunit [_pos1,_group]
"SoldierWB" createunit [_pos1,_group]
_group domove getmarkerpos "town1"
with: [this] exec "test.sqs" in the players init.
However, I get this message: '"SoldierWB" createunit [_pos1,_group]|# |': Error genetic error in expression
What can I do to fix this, or can't it be done?
Thx, -=GC=-Fungus1999