A problem seems to have surfaced regarding the two triggers and the waypoint of the players group it is synched with.
trigger 'ta2' - Triggers the hidden objective when group strength is 6 or greater.
trigger 't2' - Ends the mission when group strength is 5 and below.
I have tested the mission 4 times with ta2. 50% of the time the trigger fired, revealed the next objective and my AI leader would move the group to the neww objective. However the other 2 times the trigger fired (it updated the Briefing, played radio voice etc.) but the AI grop leader never moved to the new objective. One time he stayed at the original objective and the other time he circled a bunch of trees.
I have ta2 set to fire when the OPFOR is not present and have it synched with the AI's 3rd waypoint which is within the trigger at the original objective.
I also have both triggers nearly on top of each other. ta2 is 78 by 78 so fits within t2 which is 80 by 80.
The waypoint both are synched with is just a move one.
I also have 'group1 = group this' in the init field of the players group leader (which names the whole lot group1 yes?) The group leader is also named 'sol1'.
I can also upload the mission file if I have not given enough detail.