Ok, I made a mission that works perfectly, except for JIP.
What do I have to do when I want to add JIP to the mission.
Imagine this is my init.sqf
if !(local Server_Logic) then {[]execVM "client\client_init.sqf"};
if (local Server_Logic) then {[]execVM "server\server_init.sqf"};
In server_init.sqf is alot of publicVariables that change as the mission progress
In client_init.sqf is the players unique variables that change as the mission progress
1.What do I have to do with the these player that join. Just send them to client_init.sqf?
onPlayerConnect "[]execVM ""client\client_init.sqf"""; // ?????
2.What do I have to do with the players that disconnect? Will the AI automatically replace them? How do I tell that AI to continue with normal AI unit behaviour?
3.What variables change before/during/after a player played?
4.Is there maybe someone I can send my mission to so he/she can implement a JIP script?