I've got a question about this dialog... first off I am so happy someone converted it to use in ARMA. I tried about a month ago just using the old dialog "as is" in ARMA - and the rest is history.... any how. I've read through the many dialog tutorials at this site, and have even modified this script to suit my needs... but I can still not get it to do what I need. Here's what I DO need...
"Brak" [whose name will be changed in the mission] needs to start his conversation off with Sergeant, we're lucky we found you! SLA reinforcements are inbound. We need to get you out of here. We have a concealed camp a few kilometers from here where you can hide, or we can take you back to your forward operating base.
Whereas the player now needs two choices... which in turn each will activate a seperate script. Choosing Let's get to your camp will activate a script taking the player and his rescue squad to the RACS camp I have specified in the script... unless the player chooses I need to get back to my base which will start a seperate script taking the player and his rescuers to a different base... I just can't get the menus worked out... any help?
Here is the "BrakTalk.sqf" located in the demo mission that I am trying to manipulate.
private ["_structure"];
_structure = [];
comment "Array consists of [ AI unit text response, [Array of user responses] ] for each dialog 'page' or 'set' ";
comment "Array for user responses consists of [text, which page to go to next (or -1 to end), {scripted action} ]";
comment "Speech Set 0";
_structure = _structure +
"Hi everybody! I'm Blip! eep! eep! eep!","Talk1",
["Do you know any jokes?",1,{}],
["Would you like some coffee?",2,{}],
comment "Speech Set 1";
_structure = _structure +
"A guy walks into a restaurant and says....","Talk2",
["Would you like some coffee?",2,{}],
comment "Speech Set 2";
_structure = _structure +
"No thank you, I cannot drink coffee because it makes me jittery.","Talk3",
["Do you know any jokes?",1,{}],