I downloaded what sounds like a sweet script, that uses onmapsingleclick. I put the script in my missions folder, and tried to test it. I get radio messages that say request complete, but nothing happens. Here are the scripts, sorry if they are really long.. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to add tanks? I'm a complete newb at scripting so bare with me. One thing I noticed was that in the init.sqs file it reffered to the cannon.sqf file? I assumed this was a typo and renamed it .sqs, I also did this when I saved the cannon.sqs file, as it read in the download cannon.sqf. Is there such thing as an .sqf file? Thanks in advance.....
- Mr. Sert
Howitzer. sqs
_cannontime = 15
_side = side (_this select 0)
_pos = _this select 1
_units = _this select 2
_shift = _this select 3
_alt = _this select 4
? _side == east : goto "cannonE"
goto "cannonW"
[_side, "hq"] sidechat "BUSY WITH OTHER MISSION."
[_side, "hq"] sidechat "EXCESSIVE RANGE TO TARGET."
[_side, "hq"] sidechat "FIRE REQUEST COMPLETE."
? howitzerWtime > time : goto "busy"
_return = [howitzerW_1, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call CannonFunction
;If one is out of range, they probably all are
? _return == "RANGE" : goto "range"
_return = [howitzerW_2, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call CannonFunction
_return = [howitzerW_3, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call CannonFunction
howitzerWtime = time + _cannontime
publicVariable "howitzerWtime"
goto "complete"
? howitzerEtime > time : goto "busy"
_return = [howitzerE_1, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call CannonFunction
;If one is out of range, they probably all are
? _return == "RANGE" : goto "range"
_return = [howitzerE_2, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call CannonFunction
_return = [howitzerE_3, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] call CannonFunction
howitzerEtime = time + _cannontime
publicVariable "howitzerEtime"
goto "complete"
Init. sqs
onMapSingleClick "[player, _pos, _units, _shift, _alt] exec ""howitzer.sqs"""
CannonFunction = preprocessFile "cannon.sqs"
howitzerWtime = 0
howitzerEtime = 0
Cannon. sqs
private ["_muzzle", "_src", "_tgt", "_units", "_shift", "_alt", "_return"];
private ["_x", "_y", "_dist", "_dir", "_tmp", "_angle", "_hyp", "_vx", "_vz", "_vy", "_type", "_obj"];
_muzzle = 180;
_src = getPos (_this select 0);
_tgt = _this select 1;
_units = _this select 2;
_shift = _this select 3;
_alt = _this select 4;
_x = ((_tgt select 0) - (_src select 0));
_z = ((_tgt select 1) - (_src select 1));
_dist = sqrt ((_x * _x) + (_z * _z));
_dir = _z atan2 _x;
_tmp = ((9.8 * _dist) / (_muzzle * _muzzle));
if (_tmp > -1 && _tmp < 1) then {
_angle = (asin _tmp) / 2;
_dir = _dir - 1 + random 2;
_angle = _angle - 1 + random 2;
_vy = _muzzle * sin _angle;
_hyp = _muzzle * cos _angle;
_vx = _hyp * cos _dir;
_vz = _hyp * sin _dir;
_type = "Shell105";
if (_shift) then {_type = "Heat105"};
if (_alt) then {_type = "SmokeShell"};
_obj = _type camCreate [_src select 0, _src select 1, 3];
_obj setVelocity [_vx, _vz, _vy];
_obj setDir -(_dir - 90);
"Cannon30HE" camCreate [_src select 0, _src select 1, 0];
_return = "COMPLETE";
} else {
_return = "RANGE";