Ok, this is an odd one. In my script i use this line to get standard weapons of a air vehicle:
_veh_payload = getArray(configFile>>"CfgVehicles">>classname>>"Weapons");
This works on almost all planes/choppers. I get a complete array with all standard weapons of the corresponding vehicle.
I wrote "almost" since i encountered the problem that on the AH1W and the Su34 (both versions) all i get is an empty array [].
Also checked outside the script with a radio trigger:
hint format ["%1", getArray(configFile>>"CfgVehicles">>classname>>"Weapons")]
which gave me correct arrays on a A10, on the AV8B (both of them), the KA50 and a UH60 (with FFAR's).
Right now i didn't tested with others (but probably will).
Has anyone an idea why this happens? Can anyone confirm this behaviour?
Myke out
As my ArmA runs with beta patch 1.11 i tried with 1.08, guessing BI might have something screwed up in the beta patch but the proble also exists with 1.08