Hi there SnarlingWolf!
First of all, it'd be good if you could make your question a little clearer, and also explain if this is the matter of a single-player or multiplayer operation. There are plenty of differences between the two modes, why we have a separate forum for MP-related questions.
The best I could figure it out, you a) Want only a certain group (Bravo) to be able to call for support via radio when a certain event has happened (become overrun). b) You want to spawn some new groups via this radio call, and c) One of these groups are choppers, that are supposed to pick up the other spawned groups at a base, and then presumable d) these choppers + groups come to Bravo's aid.
This is a lot more than a simple radio-trigger question, especially if it's MP-related.
First of all, I'd suggest ignoring the spawning - that's unnecessary hassle, unless this situation is something that will repeat itself many times. Just plop down the choppers and the groups from the start. Also, if this is SP, and Bravo is the Player, then there's no way he can even see the choppers picking up the other squads and such, so you don't need to show that - you can just moveInCargo the squads into the chopper (or have them there from the start!) and just move in the fully loaded chopper. Which basically boils down to : having a fully loaded chopper come in and help you out when you give the radio command, which can be done by using synchronizing, as is described in this part of the
Beginner's tutorial.
Basically, place down a chopper, have two squads move into the chopper, then have the chopper wait by synchronizing its first waypoint with the radio trigger. However, if you want all that other stuff as well (the spawning and so on) you need to give us more information on
why it is necessary, and
why it has to be done the way you described. And also, as mentioned : if it's SP or MP.
If it's SP with teamswitch, and you only want Bravo leader to be able to activate the trigger, simply make the radio trigger's Condition line read:
this && Player == (leader bravoSquad)
bravoSquad being the group name of bravo, as decided by putting
bravoSquad = group this
into the init field of any unit of the group.
More information is helpful, yes!
Wolfrug out.