Yes, I had a quick look at the scripts. It was all done with the playmove, switchmove, and the drop command, the last of which is something I never tried to grasp. I found the original of OFPEC. I should think it should be fairly for an advanced scripter to update. If nobody who can do it in a day shows an interest here, I will have a go, but its going to take me a while to grasp "drop."
EDIT: All right then, you talked me into it. It looks easier than I thought because I won't need a thourogh understanding of drop to make it work... MI Fred and Ace Productions have done all the work. I just need to work out all the animations. Quick question, the .p3d's used by OFP in drop seem to be different in ArmA, i've got the original water particle, but what p3d object would you recomend using for the smoke? Cheers.
EDIT AGAIN: Well, the drop part was easy. All I had to do really was change the path to the p3d object. However, the animations are proving more tedious than anticipated. Does anyone know which animation puts a soldier's weapon on his back? Its mislabeled in the biki, and I've been through most of the animations on Hoz, Mandoble and Kronzky's and can't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.