Ok, now it is error free, but:
- Your script is still named script.sqf, not ROMM_recordPos102.sqf or ROMM_recordPos.sqf.
- Add a hint in the init.sqf explaining what to do (select this radio to get the current postion, select the other to copy/paste the positions array).
- Consider that you are always getting the position of the player, even if the player is inside a vehicle. And position of the player inside a vehicle is not equal to the vehicle position. You might consider to use getPos vehicle player for all the cases.
- For your demo purposes, it would be far more handy to use menu actions than radio calls.
- In the demo, there where the player gets a position, you should hint or title text something ("Current position recorded", for example).
- You might consider to add an option to really turn recording ON, and a small dialog to enter the number of seconds to wait before next recording and maximum number of positions to be recorded, and also an option to turn automatic recording off. When maximum number is reached, recording would be automatically turned off.
- If you do the above, then you need a different strategy to print the positions as current system will print too many decimals (specially for the Z), and EDIT control buffer is limited, so you should aim to print only a single decimal per each X, Y, Z
_msg = "";
_msg = _msg + format["[%1,%2,%3],", floor( (_x select 0)*10)/10,floor( (_x select 1)*10)/10,floor( (_x select 2)*10)/10];
} forEach vpos;
ctrlSetText[_debug, _msg];