Actually, paritybit, your statements are incorrect since this is an SQS file, not an SQF file.
However, even in SQF, which is what you are assuming the file is, you don't actually need a semi-colon after any line that is just before the end of a block (that is, immediately before a } ); the semi-colon in this case is entirely optional (although odd behaviour, this is the same convention as in ECMAScript/Javascript). Generally though, it is good style to always place a semi-colon at the end of every line, since then you don't have problems when you add another line after the "last" one in the block.
Everything in the file is SQS, but:
if(_nr == 0) then
e1 setPos _mPos
is SQF, which is a different syntax. Understandably, the interpreter is failing there, since it is only expecting SQS in this file. Either use SQS for that conditional expression:
? _nr == 0 : e1 setPos _mPos
Or move to just using SQF in the file (when the file should be called init.sqf).
However, since you have professed a knowledge of Java, like paritybit, I'd really suggest you move to using SQF formatting exclusively since it is a lot closer to Java in syntax (SQS is closer to 1970s BASIC or assembly language: almost totally unstructured). SQS is only really supported by ArmA for backwards compatibility...
Please also consider using proper code formatting in your messages using the "code" BBCode tags (or just click the # button, just above the area you type your post in) as you've been requested to do twice already ;P