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Author Topic: About ArmA and its scripting  (Read 866 times)

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Offline Hellcow10

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About ArmA and its scripting
« on: 22 Mar 2008, 09:55:24 »
Ok, first off alot has changed since i was here for Ofp when it was really popular.

I was a major scripter and map/mission designer for my gaming clan, I fell out of doing it because of lack of support from most of the clan, and from shear bordom being the only one around excited about something at 4am lol.

I've been in the World of Warcraft scene for way too long and want to get back into making fun missions for a game, and i noticed that Arma looks alot like Ofp. Given Ofp's renowned ability at being Glitchy, and very annoying to play, it was fun. I was wondering if ArmA is any better in the actualy ability to play it, and maintain consistent gameplay even on modded maps.

How different are the scripting codes and the control you have from Ofp's Mission editor. Hopfully not too much, i have over 200 pages of printed script stuff for Ofp, it would be nice to beable to use some of its still =D

I dont know if this may be the proper Forum to be posting this on, seeing as its mostly a question about the game its self, but im not looking to play the "stock" game for more than an hour before i start trying to figure out how to play around With the editor's. I figured an Editing fourm would Probably be the best place to look for answers.

Oh and one more question, this one relating to Ofp. I have an Original map i made for Ofp for "Training" my clan members for Matches,
It was really just a map based around a military airfield with everything the game had to offer placed around it in a pretty package. But it took me forever to get all the scripts just right, i have it saved on a CD, along with some of the mods i used to do it, but some of them are corrupted files somehow and i cannot get them to load up when i load the game. How would i beable to load the map with mods that are not Installed on the PC. Is there a way? I'd love to beable to post the map on the site, its really fun =D

Thanks for lookin at the post. hopefully yall might be seeing some of my stuff soon. Im downloading the Demo of Arma right now. Wish me luck.


Offline Spooner

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Re: About ArmA and its scripting
« Reply #1 on: 22 Mar 2008, 13:27:31 »
I think the only way to get it to load would be to manually edit the mission.sqm file. You'd first remove the mention of the missing addons from the top of the file, then you'd need to scan through the file and replace the unavailable classes with ones you do have...which could take a lot of time, depending on the complexity of the mission. You might be able to load the mission in the editor, after you've removed the addon dependencies at the top, without fixing the missing classes and then it might give error messages about missing classes that you can use to help in your replacement of unavailable classes.

Good luck!
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