hehe, thats what we're here for right ?
anyway... you can also put the code above into a trigger.
Basically does the same job.
Condition: my_title != ""
Activation: titleText[my_title, "PLAIN"];my_title = "";
Another alternative would be using setvehicleinit. (those initlines are always executed on all clients)
Or having sort of a core-script running in background pretty much like the code mandoble posted above, just a little more complex. That allows you to execute code local/global/or wherever you want without much hassle.
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good link Nixer6
post it more often ^^ I'm sure it'll help alot of people.
Locality is tricky but quite important.
Not only for those communication things but also for optimization.
We all know those (sorry) ugly chopper-transportscripts or paradrop-scripts that look very choppy on clients. Well, making good use of locality allows to avoid that for example.