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Author Topic: satellite particle beam weapon...?possible?  (Read 1068 times)

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Offline winged serpent

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satellite particle beam weapon...?possible?
« on: 25 Feb 2008, 18:58:33 »
i want to create my first addon/script and would like to ask if i am barking up the wrong tree or should i give it a go...
let me explain....
I want to simulate some kind of orbiting laser weapon....i was thinking that a very tall cylinder (with a luminous texture if pos) wolud be dropped into place on the map and maybe set pos a string of GBUs to do the dammage to the target or a trigger to sense and destroy target(s) within range....would be nice if it could be used in conjunction with a sat view script suite ...anyway your thoughts would be much appreciated


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Offline Tajin

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Re: satellite particle beam weapon...?possible?
« Reply #1 on: 25 Feb 2008, 23:01:43 »
definitely possible, using a particle effect (not a cylinder)

and don't get affraid of those long arrays there, they only look complicated.

here, there is your particle beam xD (simple version)
Code: [Select]
_pos = position player;
_ion = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; 
_ion setParticleRandom [0, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0];
_ion setpos _pos;
_ion setParticleParams ["\Ca\Data\sunHalo.p3d", "", "Billboard", 1, 10, [0, 0, 100], [0,0,-5], 0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0, [5, 1.5, 3], [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0.0]], [0, 1], 1, 0, "", "", ""];
_ion setDropInterval 0.005;
« Last Edit: 25 Feb 2008, 23:52:14 by Tajin »

Offline winged serpent

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Re: satellite particle beam weapon...?possible?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Feb 2008, 00:56:14 »
thanks for the feedback Tajin I'll give it a try
time flies like the wind
fruitflies like bananas