just a brief example you may run for the leader of a group:
// Script to run, for example, from the init field of the squad leader
_leader = _this select 0;
if (!local _leader) exitWith {};
// Action is added for the leader only if it is local, so only the leader can see his action
_leader addAction ["Call for CAS", "bomb_control.sqf"];
And now bomb_control.sqf
// bomb_control.sqf
private["_leader", "_acidx"];
_leader = _this select 0;
_acidx = _this select 2;
// Action is removed, so the leader cannot call for support again
_leader removeAction _acidx;
// Depending on the leader side AV8 or Su34 are used
if (side _leder == west) then
["AV8B2", true, false] execVM "mando_bombs\mando_bombs_basic_mapclick.sqf";
["Su34B", true, false] execVM "mando_bombs\mando_bombs_basic_mapclick.sqf";
// Now we wait for 10 mins
Sleep 600;
// We add the action again after 10 mins
if (alive _leader) then
_leader addAction ["Call for CAS", "bomb_control.sqf"];
Note that this is just a basic example, anyway questions related to menu actions, triggers, etc are not related to mando bombs so it would be better to discusse them in the general forum.