Hello all. ( I'm new here... Greetings to All)
I have an question for you. And I'm really hopping that you can help me out with it.
I'm building a new mission and stumble on one problem that I can't fix.
( Because I don't know how to do this. So help me out PLZ.)
The Problem:I want to place a MachineGun 12_7" static as cargo in to a Car or an Jeep or Hmmwv.
This Machinegun stands on a tripod and haze to be handled with the mouse menu command
[ Load out MG-Static] and [Load in MG Static] till now it did end work.
I read the bit on [ How to store Weapons in a Vehicle] but this works only halfway.
You can load out the MachineGun 12_7" But you cannot load the MachineGun 12_7" back in to the car.
When you have to go to the next waypoint in the mission.
I have skim most of the Ofp Forums about it. But there is almost nothing in there (Or I have mist it)
that explains this on how to do this. The only bit I have found so far is the bit on
how to store weapons in a vehicle.And that is only working halfway.
Now I'm hopping that some of you can help me out with this Problem. With Tips on it.
And maybe some good links to site's that it explains on how to do this.
In front thanks and hopefully till hearings
Greetings ed-dutchie. and thanks again for any answer to it.