dis script makes a spotlight move on a certain path searching for a target from an array... once it finds 1 da spotlight follows it till da target is dead or lost... da script also conects a sniper 2 da spotlight and has him fire on ny1 it follows...
activation :
[SpotlightName,ArrayOfTargets,SniperName,RangeOfArc,StartingDirection] execVM "LCD_spotlight.sqf"
for example da next line in da init of a spotlight :
[this,units group player,Snypir,230,0] execVM "LCD_spotlight.sqf"
will make a spotlight dat will move in da arc between north and southwest.... and when it finds a unit from da players group it will follow dat unit and have da sniper (or any soldier) called Snypir shoting on da unit
Unluckily i dont have time 2 make an example mision... and i hate writing comments in da scruipt itsef
but still feel free 2 use it or edit it or do watever
Download updated with a working mission.