Well, it isn't entirely unreasonable to have started a new version, since this version requires ArmA 1.09 which is still only at beta stage, so lots of people will still be using 1.08. Still, I think people might like to see a fully-functional version for 1.09, since it is probably easier to remove the extra functions if not required, like sound, rather than add them yourself. Perhaps you could give users clear instructions on how to remove the sounds if they are not needed?
I'd also suggest that you should change this function so that you called it with the delay as a parameter, perhaps using a default value if the function is called without a second parameter, as well as giving clearer instructions on how to call the function:
nil = ["message here, blah blah blah", 0.05] execVM "Surdus_LbyL.sqf";
Surdus_LbyL = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Surdus_LbyL.sqf";
["message here, blah blah blah"] spawn Surdus_LbyL; // Use default delay.
sleep 60;
["another message here, blah blah blah", 0.12] spawn Surdus_LbyL;
(admittedly, depending on the script that the script that the function was being called from, one might get away with using call, but spawn seems most likely to be appropriate).
Anyway, just suggestions. Incidentally, you might like to use forEach (or even for) rather than using while to iterate through an array, which seems a little clunky.