thanks for the input, i tried some of the above solutions:
1. Using Move (as opposed to domove)
While "domove" craps out between 400-1000 meters, "move" craps out around 4000-4500 meters. Beats me why.
2. I tried the liftoff prior to move command (still use it
), but it didnt affect the movement. In fact if im in a chopper that is airborne, the pilot (as part of my group) will tell me "CANT GET THERE" if i direct him to fly to a point 6000+ meters away.
3. Thanks for the check position trigger, VERY HANDY
The solution i came up with, and seems to be working, is to constantly figure a midpoint between the player and the heli. This way the heli continually updates (and moves to a position halfway between the player and the heli). Looks like this:
_helix = getpos _heli select 0
_heliy = getpos _heli select 1
_diffx = ((getpos _player select 0) - (getpos _heli select 0))
_diffy = ((getpos _player select 1) - (getpos _heli select 1))
_halfx = _diffx / 2
_halfy = _diffy / 2
_midx = _halfx + _helix
_midy = _halfy + _heliy
_heli move[_midx,_midy]
? (_heli distance _player) <500: goto "Moveloop2"
goto "Moveloop1"
The moveloop2 section is the original move-to script and guides the chopper in for landing.
Thanks for all the input. Ill be submitting a Single-script dynamic air evac/taxi using this code in the next day or two for testing, check it out (it may actually work).
Then again... it might not.