The script detects Alt and Shift-clicks by the way of two localized variables, _shift and _alt, that are passed to the script. Does it matter to you if the commands are given in order (i.e., it has to go from position-inbound-outbound) or can you decide which you want to set yourself? In either case, let's say you have a single script for all your actions. It might look something like this. First you tell onMapSingleClick to execute the script:
onMapSingleClick "nil=[_pos, _shift, _alt] execVM ""YourScript.sqf""";
(note the double parenthesises around the script-string)
And then the script itself could look like this:
_pos = _this select 0;
_shift= _this select 1;
_alt = _this select 2;
if (!_alt && !_shift) exitWith
hint "This is where you'd put in the code for designating target.";
if (_shift) exitWith
hint "Code for inbound";
if (_alt) exitWith
hint "Code for outbound";
Spooner tells me the if-then's are faster than, so I believe him
Otherwise that might have been a possible contender as well.
I'm not sure if you can combine shift and alt (i.e., if (_alt && _shift)), but I suppose you can try? Otherwise the above should be enough, methinks.
Good luck!
Wolfrug out.