Hi there.
I'm new here and a total Noob when it comes to scripting.
I'm sitting with the exact same problem as snoopy22 and have tried scripts like: this Inflame true & switchlight "On" , but have had no luck so far...
I can't get "gamelogicname moveInGunner searchlightname" to work either and I've tried swapping the "searchlightname" with a name like S1 and naming the searchlight S1...
Like I said this is my first attempt at scripting and your help would really be appreciated. Although it would have to be as detailed as possible. lol
Edit: FINALLY figured it out!
Description: You place a GameLogic ( found under items ) on the map next to your searchlight and name it for example: GL1 ...Then you name your searchlight for example: S1 ...You then type the following in the description section of your GameLogic: GL1 moveInGunner S1 ( that's what the "gamelogicname moveInGunner searchlightname means ) ---> And Presto! You have a bright nice shiny searchlight!
Thanx for the help h- !!!
Now all I need to figure out is how to have an AI pilot switch a chopper's lights on when flying at night...
( You can switch on the lights manually when you are the pilot )