ok, put this in the init file for each arty gun (example has 4 guns):
arty1 dowatch [(getPos artytarget select 0),(getPos artytarget select 1),1000];
arty2 dowatch [(getPos artytarget select 0),(getPos artytarget select 1),1000];
arty3 dowatch [(getPos artytarget select 0),(getPos artytarget select 1),1000];
arty4 dowatch [(getPos artytarget select 0),(getPos artytarget select 1),1000];
place 4 D-30s in the game, name each of the 4 guns arty, then the number; arty1.
then make a game logic and call it artytarget. put the gamelogic on the location of target area.
then make a marker on the map where you want to be bombarded, call it artytarget aswell (put it next to gamelogic).
//_a = area size of bombardment
//_m = marker of bombardment
_a = _this select 0;
_m = getmarkerpos (_this select 1);
firing = 1;
_gunsNo = [arty1, arty2, arty3, arty4];
sleep 5;
while {firing == 1} do
arty1 action ["useWeapon",arty1,gunner arty1,0];
sleep 1;
arty2 action ["useWeapon",arty1,gunner arty1,0];
sleep 1;
arty3 action ["useWeapon",arty1,gunner arty1,0];
sleep 1;
arty4 action ["useWeapon",arty1,gunner arty1,0];
{_x addmagazine "30Rnd_122mmHE_D30"} foreach _gunsNo;
sleep 3;
_exp = "R_S8T_AT" createVehicle [(_m select 0) - _a/2 + random _a, (_m select 1) - _a/2 + random _a];
sleep 1;
_exp = "R_S8T_AT" createVehicle [(_m select 0) - _a/2 + random _a, (_m select 1) - _a/2 + random _a];
sleep 1;
_exp = "R_S8T_AT" createVehicle [(_m select 0) - _a/2 + random _a, (_m select 1) - _a/2 + random _a];
sleep 1;
_exp = "R_S8T_AT" createVehicle [(_m select 0) - _a/2 + random _a, (_m select 1) - _a/2 + random _a];
sleep 3;
put this code into an sqf file and call it worldofpain.sqf
then in the init file put: call {[150, "artytarget"] execVM "worldofpain.sqf"};
and thats it.
ps. this script is based on a script i created, however it was updated for enhanced performance by a member of MMU and thus has become MMU property and cannot be shown here.