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Author Topic: Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!  (Read 4138 times)

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Ferret Fangs

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Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« on: 27 Oct 2002, 05:06:39 »
All right, I know it's already been requested somewhere around here, but I think this is one of the coolest pieces of hardware out there.
It's the SR-47 again...
The long and short of it is a M-4 SOPMOD variant chambered for the Russian 7.62x39 ( AK-47 ) ammunition, and magazines. It's got a slightly larger upper and lower reciever to allow this. The weapon comes standard with a Knights Armamment suppressor, for cave fighting. These are supposed to be the worlds most accurate 7.62x39mm weapons, period. What I love most about it is that it would be so cool for OFP, in that it could be moddeled to accept an endless supply of AK ammo. Please Fliper or whoever else, make me one of these!  

Go here for info, and pic's:

and here: http://securityarms.com/20010315/galleryfiles/2100/2138.htm


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2002, 05:29:35 »
well....they wouldnt be very useful in ofp, only the resistance use AK-47's, it would be better if they were made to use AK-74 ammo

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2002, 06:29:35 »
Well, in reality, the article I linked to, (Knight's Armament) said that a variant chambered for 5.45mm (AK-74) would be the next logical step. It would be used in counties where the AK-74 was the weapon of choice for the indigenous population. This could of course be done for OFP as well, and would actually the best option for a simulated conflict.

But I see the US SOCOM facing many more enimies armed with AK-47's for the forseable future, both in real life and in game. The reason being is that the US SOCOM is a group which has a specialty as a paramilitary and counter-insurgency force. And revolutionary ( Resistance ) fighters and insurgents are usually armed with the AK-47 as opposed the newer and more expensive AK-74. This is obviously the same reason Knight's Armament issued the SR-47, before the SR-74.
And because a lot of mission makers base their scenarios on reality, it makes more sense in OFP to use the most realistic weapon, which is the SR-47.


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2002, 08:24:54 »
i dont like the mag
it dosnt suit the gun although it would be nice

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #4 on: 27 Oct 2002, 10:28:56 »
Ok, registered_fugitiv:
It does not have/is not supposed- to be pretty...
it is what the M-16/M-4 should have been, a man eater. Motally wounding a badguy with a 5.56mm NATO round is great for wrecking the enemies infrastructure, and demoralizing his society. But it's bad news for your Rangers when the same badguy doesn't realize he's been mortally wounded, levels his AK at you and punches several fist-sized holes through some part of you that you are very much attached to.
The Badguy doesn't much care about wrecking your supply chain and burdening your buddies with caring for you.... he wants you dead, all stop, message ends.
The Rangers and brethren need a weapon that does this, stops the enemy like a freight train. Whats more, when it's empty you reach down, grab a couple handfuls of enemy brass, or better yet, a couple loaded magazines, and commence to cutting more of the MF's down.
I will say this about the weapon's appearence, and I bet you can agree with me on this... it looks dead scary. It would have to be brutally intimidating to watch US SOCOM operators gunning down your buddies with these monsters and and then see one finally point it at you... for one brief moment.
Then... lights out.


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #5 on: 28 Oct 2002, 01:07:08 »
yea i know where your coming from and after reading the hole article it sounds a hole lot better ;D

Seldom Seen Slim

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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #6 on: 07 Nov 2002, 03:22:31 »
I'm not an expert on this, but isn't the standard .223"/5.56x45mm NATO SS109 62-grain round more lethal and the Russian 7.62x39mm cartridge?  The Afghan's nicknamed the 5.45x39mm round (similar to the NATO 5.56mm) the "poison bullet" because it was so much more lethal than the 7.62mm cartridge.

I know the 7.62mm short Russian weighs about twice as much, but it is underpowered.  It might be able to shoot through brake drums, but I think it's less lethal.  It's full-powered cartridges such as the .308"/7.62x51mm NATO round that has gauranteed man-stopping power, not the underpowered and innacurate 7.62x39mm Russian cartridge.


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #7 on: 07 Nov 2002, 04:34:15 »
thats not the point of this weapon its so the soildier dont have to take so much ammo into combat. e.g: i take around 2 mags with me so i can have extra grenades or sumthin and then i kill a few guys then take thier ak-47 mags so i'll have enough to continue killing guys

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #8 on: 07 Nov 2002, 09:01:21 »
The Russian 7.62x39 is an excellent CQB round, and the rifle has been what makes it inaccurate. In a weapon with an accurized free-floating barrel, combined with decent optics, this round will produce groups on a par with any other small arms round. Add the amazing one-round knock down and armor penetration and you have a fantastic weapon for SPECOPS in urban enviroments, cave fighting, and desert terrain. The weapon is sound and flash suppressed as standard and can, of course, mount all manner of weapon sights and sensors. There is the other benefit of having access to tons of easy to find ammo, in battlefield pickup magazines. The cave complexes in Afghanistan were apparently "awash in AK ammo", but 5.56 NATO had to be flown in to operators. This often happened in the middle of intense firefights, risking aircraft, crews and potentially exposing the operators themselves to hostile fire. With the SR-47 SPR, SF troops could continue the fight without having to compromise accuracy and capability of a modern weapon. It has been very well recieved BTW, and is one of the hottest weapons in the 'stan.  


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #9 on: 07 Nov 2002, 10:40:15 »
ill say this even tho i didnt like them at the start for sum odd reason i think their the shiznic now and would be the ultimate weapon on the battlefield or anywhere for that matter


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #10 on: 08 Nov 2002, 06:23:10 »
If I can figure out how to get O2 to port my models into OFP, you'll have your SR-47.  

Check out my Russian weapons mod Ghost Recon - and most of which are coming soon to OFP (depending on how quickly I figure out O2 and the OFP mod system)



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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #11 on: 08 Nov 2002, 08:01:20 »
Here's a quick-and-dirty version to show that I am serious/capable.  It's far from 'done' and is actually just a cut-and-paste job between my M4 SOPMOD and AK-104 models.

So there.  If somebody can point me towards a FRICKEN sensible oxygen tutorial for 3DS imports/textures, you'll have your SR-47 and 74 weapons systems.

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #12 on: 08 Nov 2002, 10:09:45 »
Right on earl! Looks beautiful.
My suggestion would be to get a hold of STGN doing the M-4 SPR, in the thread located here abouts.
He can probably help you get this bad mofo in game.


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #13 on: 10 Nov 2002, 03:37:39 »
i dunno bout that hes only new 2 OFP modeling (its hard to tell) but he maybe able to nice looking gun tho
« Last Edit: 10 Nov 2002, 03:53:24 by registered_fugitiv »


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Re:Please someone make this FRICKEN weapon!
« Reply #14 on: 10 Nov 2002, 06:10:05 »
I'm in the process of putting an RPK-74 test model into the game.  I've figured out importing from 3DS / texture swapping to get my premade and premapped textures onto the P3D model, and BRSSeb's weapon tutorial (www.ofp.info/brsseb) should take me the rest of the way.

After I can confirm that the RPK-74 works, I'm going to make the SR-47/74 weapons with full LOD modeling.