I've such a stupid problem...when i make a for/while loop ArmA is giving me the following error
Error in expression < _this select 0;
_i = 0;
while {_i < 5} do
{ _pos = [(_basepos select 0) + 10, (>
Error position: <do
{ _pos = [(_basepos select 0) + 10, (>
Error do: Type String, expected code
File D:\My Documents\ArmA\missions\setPos.Intro\basecreator2.sqf, line 9
the script looks like this, it's a .sqf and i execute it by base = [position player] execVM "script.sqf"
_i = 0;
while {_i < 5} do
{ blabla;
_i = _i + 1;
has anyone an idea what i'm doing wrong cause this is the way it's written on the BIKI:S