I've been thinking about the armory level in ArmA where you can preview/try all the vehicles and weaponry in the game. When trying out the A10 the player is invited to test attacking some targets - after which you're positioned up in the air. Now here's the thing, you lose control of the aircraft at this point, and it's "forced" into what I remember feeling is a pre-defined path. Is this just a temporary AI-controlled bit of flight or is it possible to script exact movements?
What I'm basically interested in is being able to "record" exact movements of vehicles/men of my own, and then have the AI play them back up. Call it imitating if you wish. Some examples of things I'd like to be able to achieve, for example: Plane rolling/looping, Precise convoy movement, More aggressive ground-vehicle advancement etc etc.
In-depth examples:
#1: Having a littlebird fly down between houses and drop people off in the street - without killing everybody in the process. I know this can be done using that precise landing script, but what if I want the heli to quickly move along the street for a while before the drop-off?
#2: Instead of painfully watching vehicles advance/reverse in that irritating manner over and over - before actually leaving for their destination - I'd like to see them seriously hit the gas and just go for it (ala' setvelocity-style).
#3 Precise strafing-runs by both airplanes and helicopters (actually being able to manually pinpoint the nose and then script the firing-sequence and thereby being able to see a non-player A10 for example hit a "fieldtoilet" with the cannon.
#4 "Intelligent" driving in urban areas, seeing non-player vehicles quickly turn and orientate throughout cluttered areas/taking detours through alleys etc.
Some other questions that may or many not be related:
Q1: Is it possible to maintain vehicle/playercontrol after executing camera.sqs (even to just fire a weapon while in cameramode)?
Q2: Is it possible to maintain the "free-look" of a camera while having it attached to a vehicle, or must it be assigned a target(s)? (I've not yet attempted to actually attaching it, so perhaps I'm missing something obvious here. If so, excuse me).
Any help or directions towards sources covering these topics would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!