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Offline nettrucker

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troubles with wave2lip
« on: 07 Oct 2007, 22:58:48 »

I got probs with the wave2lip tool. Can't generate any lipfiles dragging a wave on the application exe. i'm using Windows XP. Wave2lip seems not to work with XP. Any alternative tools?
thanks for any tip.
nettrucker :dunno:

EDIT: I'm afraid that this little tool doesn't work with windows XP, or is there anybody out there who can make it with XP work? Please let me know. I'm real stuck with my missions if I can't get it to work. Thanks for any reply or tips. Is there any other tool that can generate a lip file?
« Last Edit: 08 Oct 2007, 20:50:29 by nettrucker »

Offline Baddo

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #1 on: 08 Oct 2007, 21:14:23 »

did you read


Why is the Wav2Lip utility not working?

BIS' lip synchronization utility, Wav2Lip (available from BIS' OFP editing page), has problems with certain file and path names.

According to Ondrej Spanel, BIS' Lead Programmer, when you drop a WAV file into Wav2Lip that has either a long path name or whose path contains spaces, it will not work. Also, WAV files must be plain PCM files, no compression codecs are supported.

Also, Wav2Lip works with Windows 2000 and XP but you may experience more problems there, as default desktop path names contains spaces. It is therefore not possible to drag and drop WAV files from a Windows 2000 or XP desktop to Wav2Lip.

It works on WinXP, I know for sure as I have used it succesfully on it. I used it from a DOS prompt.

Best Regards,

Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #2 on: 08 Oct 2007, 21:28:03 »
Hello Baddo
thanks for your reply. Well I did a whole lot of research but that one I missed.
I'm sorry but I'm a real noob in DOS. How you gonna do that to run it form DOS? Can you please enlighten me how it's done.
Thank you very much.
nettrucker :scratch:

Offline Baddo

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #3 on: 08 Oct 2007, 22:19:55 »
I am not sure what the "DOS Prompt" is called in your version of the WinXP... maybe Command Prompt. Start -- Applications -- Command Prompt is my guess if you have an English version.

Or do this if you can't find a direct link to it from the Start Menu:
- Click "Start"
- Click "Run"
- Type "cmd" into the textbox and click "OK", then a Command Prompt should open.

Should look like this:

Now, you would enter commands into that... command prompt.

- Put wavetolip program into some folder, like G:\wav2lip  where G is the drive of your choice. Replace G in the following instructions with your drive letter. As the Biki instructs, do not use spaces in the folder name.
- Get a mono 16-bit wav file, let's say it's test.wav, notice no spaces in the file name, and put it to the G:\wav2lip folder.
- Type to command prompt: G:   and press enter.
- Type to command prompt: cd wav2lip   and press enter.
- Type to command prompt: wavetolip test.wav   and press enter.
- Now you should have test.lip file in the G:\wav2lip folder.

Any problems, just ask.
« Last Edit: 08 Oct 2007, 22:27:23 by Baddo »

Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #4 on: 08 Oct 2007, 22:36:28 »
Hi Baddo
I'll gonna try that one right away because I don't know what else to do anymore. I've tried the whole weekend to get it to work. I'm due to my first ArmA mission release called Dogtags. It's on the betaboard. I still have some issues to fix and to implement and synchronize all the ogg stuff. have some close ups in intros and outros with speech therefore I need it badly to run. I'll finish this coming weekend all the editing of the radiofiles and than I would implement them in the mission. Since the speech files needed only poor editing: I was done with them pretty quickly. so I tried to create all the lipfiles  . . . bad surprise. :dunno:
Thanks for your help mate I appreciate it very much.
I let you know if I get it to work.
nettrucker :good:

Offline Cheetah

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #5 on: 08 Oct 2007, 22:51:36 »
It works for me in XP, I just place the wave2lip exe in the C:/ main folder and drag / release any .wav files over them. Works every time.
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Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #6 on: 08 Oct 2007, 23:32:05 »
Hello Cheetah
I did that . . . I placed the exe in my C: root directory. I dragged a wav file deadcenter on the icon nothing happens. It's supposed to be created in the same folder of origin of the wavefile. No file was created. I had also a reply from Suma on the BI Forums he told me that there might be some probs and to place it in the C: root directory. No luck. I used the search function to check if the file dissapeared someplace else. No trace it don't work. :dunno: shit I wanted to release next weekend an update of my first ArmA mission on the beta with all voiceover done.  It seems it'll have to wait. :( :o
Thanks anyway for replying.

@ Baddo

followed your instructions by the word. I had at the 2nd prompt line an error when I typed "cd wav2lip" it gave me following error messagge. " Impossible to find specified path.". Sorry couldn't get it to work, but thanks anyway for your help.
nettrucker :scratch:
« Last Edit: 09 Oct 2007, 00:18:59 by nettrucker »

Offline Baddo

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #7 on: 09 Oct 2007, 12:48:26 »
In my example, I extracted the wav2lip.zip package into the G drive selecting "Extract to wav2lip\".

So if you get that kind of an error, it means you either don't have a folder with that name, OR you are trying to get into it from a wrong place (you could type into command prompt "cd G:\wav2lip" and then "G:" and then you should be able to get to that folder from any other drive/folder).

Let's simplify this a little bit more, leaving out the folder completely:

- Put the wavetolip.exe file directly into the root of the C: drive.
- Get a mono 16-bit wav file, let's say it's test.wav, notice no spaces in the file name, and put it to the root of the C: drive.
- Type to command prompt C: and press enter.
- Type to command prompt cd \ and press enter.
- Type to command prompt wavetolip test.wav and press enter.
- Now you should have test.lip file in the root of the C: drive.

Don't give up just yet. I'm sure I am not the only person who used wavetolip.exe succesfully on WinXP.

If you still have trouble getting it done, you could just offer all your 16-bit mono WAV files for download here, and some friendly soul will make the LIP files for you.
« Last Edit: 09 Oct 2007, 12:52:06 by Baddo »

Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #8 on: 09 Oct 2007, 13:01:32 »
Hello Baddo

i'll try this evening when I'm back home since I'm at work right now. Thank you very much for your help and I won't give up. if i would have to wait until BIS releases the new tool for making lip files, which they are currently working on (confirmed by Suma), I would have to wait a long time before I can release some missions still in beta phase. I'll let you know when I've tried once again.
Thanks once again mate for being so patient with me.
nettrucker :D

Offline Baddo

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #9 on: 09 Oct 2007, 15:11:49 »
It seems BIS has today released


BI Editing Tool Suite Release Candidate 3

which includes

Sound Tools - sound and lipsync utilities

Edit: ...but I think you really should try to make a LIP file with the old wavetolip.exe too! In the name of not giving up!  :D
« Last Edit: 09 Oct 2007, 15:15:04 by Baddo »

Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #10 on: 09 Oct 2007, 15:24:06 »
Hello Baddo
thanks for the info mate. I'll try anyway to get it to work in DOS just also for the sake that you have put some effort in replying to my question. I'll let you know if I was able to get it to work. It's really strange though that the drag and drop didn't work on my PC :dunno:
Well I'll try it first thing when I'm back home and I'll keep you posted and thanks for the link.
kind regards
nettrucker :D

Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #11 on: 09 Oct 2007, 20:58:04 »
Hello Baddo

I got it to work now. First lip file successfully created. I know also now what I did wrong. The "WaveToLip" programm has three capital letters in the name I typed "wavetolip" all lower case and therefore it didn't work. What a fool I am.  :whistle:The wav which should be converted must be placed in the same directory as the exe. I figured also that drag and drop things work but the wav file must be in the same root directory. Oh man thank you so much. I learned something new in the last 2 days. I'll credit you in the mission for your help which  I really appreciated very much and which permits me to go ahead and come closer to a final version. I'll download the tool package from BIS though and see what's in there. I'm not much into modelling. I started once to design an Island I completed it to 90% than I had a bad system crash due to a virus and everything went to hell. I discovered later on that the 2 backup CD's I used were defect too. Couldn't recover nothing. So I left it alone and switched to mission making then. Yesterday I edited the first radiofile. Very cool you can here the battle noise even over the radio when your CO is speaking . . . sounds real good.
OK don't want to anoy you with my things anymore.
Thanks once again.
Keep cool :clap:

p.s. One final question I have some difficulties with the prepare cam commands. I checked in the topic of mathias eichinger. Mandoble gave me some tips but I'll be damned if I can get it to work. Do you know how to use the the prepare camera commands?
Best regards
nettrucker :D :D :D

Offline Baddo

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #12 on: 10 Oct 2007, 14:38:18 »
Hi nettrucker

Your Windows XP has case-sensitivity enabled?

Well that's not very usual I think, as it certainly isn't default behaviour for Windows XP... is your computer a workstation which needs to interoperate with Unix computers? That could explain why your WinXP is case-sensitive.

Well that doesn't matter now, you got it working and can do your LIP files.

I am sure the cutscene issues you're having will be sorted out in the other thread.

Best Regards,

Offline nettrucker

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Re: troubles with wave2lip
« Reply #13 on: 10 Oct 2007, 14:49:32 »
Hello Baddo
once again thank you. Yeah I got it to work first in DOS and then I tried the drag and drop thing and it worked too. It was just my fault, cause I didn't remember that the wav file had to be in the same root directory. When I had the wav files in a seperate folder and I dragged it on the exe nothing happened. Anyway issue is solved now thanks to your help.
Well the issue with the preload cam drives me crazy. seems that I'm too dumb to get it to work.
All my best wishes
nettrucker :D