In the case of the 'full' uaz the driver will not get in as gunner because the dead gunner is still assigned as gunner to the vehicle, and that's why the group has to be unassigned from it.. Weird though, smells like a bug..
As for the error message and the things making it not to work, all I can say that unbelievable
I can confirm this, if I put a trigger on the map with condition
!(alive (driver uaz)) the script will spew an error:
"Error in expression <_driver = driver _this>
Error position: <driver _this>
Error driver: Type Bool, expected Object"
And if I write something like
this addMagazine "Handgrenade" in player's init field the script runs but the driver will not budge, it just sits in the vehicle...
There's something very fishy going on..
This has to be a bug..
Upon testing what exactly does
_this contain in the script:
- When using the trigger condition mentioned above,
_this contains a string "FALSE"
- When using the player's init field thing
_this contains, you never guessed,
the player..
How is it possible that those can replace
this in the uaz's init field...
Ok, solved your problem.
BIS have apparently screwed up something in the 'global space' (no they haven't...
You need to adjust your init field thing a bit on the uaz, you need to name the gunner (I'm using
gunny in this example)
gunny=(gunner this); gunny addEventHandler ["killed",{(vehicle gunny) exec "uaz.sqs"}]
Now the vehicle is identified by a name, like when you named it manually but this time it's generic. This bypasses the
odd problem.
Hmmmm, now to think of it it isn't a bug at all, makes perfect sense really
this is a global pointer so obviously it will point to what it has been used to point to the last time.
This same thing exists in OFP as well...