Mandoble - a) & c) correct. I am wanting 4 groups, each group to board one of 4 planes (Group1 into Plane1, Group2 into Plane2, Etc). But, i want each group member to board using the boarding animation one x one (to give the whole senario a more realistic display - instead of just instantly moving to cargo without animation). Similar to a paradrop but in reverse if you get my meaning.
myke13021 & Planck - i must have overlooked the moveToCargo or got it confused with moveInCargo - i'll go back & see if i tried the former while testing it.
basically what i'm tring to do is: build a mission where 4 large groups board 4 empty planes on a runway (using boarding animations). Once they have boarded, Plane engines start, planes take off down runway in close formation, then fly to dropzone & unload their men using paradrop script.
Now the planes im using are empty because they are from an addon i found which is for "East". I realise that i can probably make the planes friendly to "west" but i havn't done this before & opted to just use the planes empty & assign a "west" pilot to fly each plane (each pilot being separate from each group).
Now the logic behind me doing this was because i have built similar missions using helicopters which are not empty, but found that the groups once parachuting, immediately attempted to reboard the helo's once they landed. This is nodoubt due to me not "unassigning" the squads from their assigned helo's correctly after they parachute, but i guess all the above is my way of a "Work Around".
I have built most of my missions in the past using Trigs & WP activations & Init's, with some success. But as my experience is growing & i delve alittle more each day into scripting, & learning "The Language". I am finding that scripting is definitly the way to go if i want first class results consistently.
Anyway back to the point (Sorry for the life story
Where i am up to with this mission is just getting the groups to board their planes using the animations. I started off just using a "getInNearest" waypoint, but found that 9 out of 10 times, one of the group members got stuck on the tarmat jerking about as though he was performing some kind of weird shaky dance, lol. Funny to witness but quite frustrating when the successfully boarded planes are taking off & the loon is still stuck trying to board the plane while his fellow group members are waiting in cargo for him to snap out of it.
Of the planes that take off, all goes to plan & the paradrop is a success. phew. Actually i'm quite proud of where im at with the mission when i use the "moveInCargo" as everything works fine, just wish i could see the boarding animations (without any members getting stuck) to add that added edge of immersion.