Problem here is that position of the camera doesnt change depending on zoom.
For example, you are the gunner of a T72 and you aim towards a tank and then set maximum zoom, is not that camera moved ahead half the range towards the enemy tank, if a bird crosses the nose of your gun you will see the bird, so the camera position is not changing.
I cannot see any real way to solve the problem, but there might be a workaroud to solve the problem partially.
When the player gets into any vehicle, in some cases its "view" is zoomed in, in some others isnt. When the view is zoomed in (for example because you are automatically switched to use optics), initFov config parameter would tell you the initial zoom level (while in some cases the player may still play with + and - to adjust it). To implement this workaroud there is still a problem to solve: which criteria to use to determine in which cases the "zoomed in as you enter a vehicle" will happen.
Example cases:
ZSU: As you moves as gunner, you are zoomed in with the gun optics on.
Vulcan: As you moves as gunner, you are not automatically zoomed in (and the gunner is "outside" the vehicle).
Cobra: The gunner is not automatically zommed in (and the gunner is "inside" the vehicle).
BMP2: As wil the ZSU, the gunner is automatically zoomed in with gun optics on.
Stryker MK19: The gunner is not zoomed in initially, but the gunner is "inside" the vehicle (opposite case to ZSU and Vulcan).