ok, take a look at the tute again, notice the players waypoints and the heli's waypoint's .. notice the player's YOU waypoint's, heli1 waypoint is "load" and also notice the heli1 Land "LAND", heli1 is what ever you name it, you can name it cracker if you want , thus, cracker Land "LAND" , now player w/p "get in" very important to sync these, press F5 then hold you mouse over the players w/p press the right mouse down and hold it, drag a sync line to the heli w/p. youll see a blue line, now release the mouse over the heli w/p "bingo" a blue line is there ,thats the sync
there are other ways of using choppers for landing, just other commands, scripts. map click. start with the basics first
do all the above with 'hei1 unload transport' and player 'get out' w/p, at landing pad. sync them too, i hope that helps
schuler ps you can copy and paste anything from the tute to you mission, but you musts use Ctrl=c for copy and Ctrl=v for paste. you can also work on line and run ofp at the same time by pressing alt=Tab, that opens you to windows