Hello, i want to make my civie turn east at a certain point in the game, i have tried grouping him to another group of east using:
[f1] joinSilent me
f1 being an east soldier of hight rank. But it doesnt work
I have tried creating an east unit and then deleting them using:
unit = group player createUnit ["SoldierEB", position player, [], 0, "FORM"]
deleteVehicle unit
still doesn't work
I also know the edit mission.sqm file and setcaptive true trick but i don't wanna use it because my mission is almost complete and that would me redoing a serious amount of triggers.
Anyone know how to do it?
just another Q, this bit of code here:
unit = group player createUnit ["SoldierEB", position player, [], 0, "FORM"]
How do i set the units rank?