Is it me or have picture sizes changed in ArmA?
In OFP it was pictures which were 2^n which also appears to be that case in ArmA. However, OFP I could use 512x256 pictures for briefings but in ArmA I cant giving me the error it isnt 2^n. However I can use 512x128 which I could in OFP too.
Basically all I want to know am I doing something wrong on my end? Or is ArmA being difficult once again?
Before you ask my picture IS 512x256 and I am using the picture by...
<p align="center"><img src="STI.jpg" width="512" height="256"></p>
Theres is one other thought coming to my head, my 512x128 picture is defined in the description.ext but the 512x256 isnt, could this be it?
I would load up ArmA but it takes a long time for me, plus I have a second question anyway
Second question is, how can I use default size in the description.ext?
class STI_one
movingEnable = true;
name = "STI_one";
class Picture : RscPicture
x = 0.30;
y = 0.50;
w = 0.40;
h = 0.15;
text = "STI_one.jpg";
sizeEx = 0;
Thats how the picture is called but I had to fiddle about with the h=0.15 to get it look like the picture should and even then its slightly off. So is there like a default size which will use the real size of the picture?