Hey bert! Thanks for this BETA, looks like it's finally possible to complete this mission without getting automatically plastered
If you want to see how it was to attack the D-30s while they could still shoot at you directly, try it on Impossible. Ooh, man. A D-30 shell is paaainfuuul.
Some questions:
Did reinforcements for Estrella ever show up? There's a BMP incoming, but I've messed so much with the poor thing's waypoints I wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly decided to do a no-show. Alternatively I suppose it might've simply gotten blown up beforehand by Alpha.
There's a delicate balance there, see: on one hand, Alpha can take care of the infantry in town easily enough, but on the other, once artillery support arrives, it's bye-bye for them (unless they manage to take out the BMP).
What was the script error on the LD? I changed it slightly between v.0.2 and v.0.3 since it seemed to have a strange lag-delay when used the first time, but that didn't cause any errors for me at least. But I might've overlooked something.
How did you feel about the challenge in general? I designed Easy to be, well, easier, so it's not supposed to be incredibly hard, but did you feel you actually got to do something as well? Note that Hard and Impossible difficulties plop down a whole bunch of more units, a lot of which will attack you anywhere anytime, or take down the Engineers at the radar tower and deny you access to the artillery, or any other act of devilry that might hinder your progress. Not to mention slightly nastier artillery
And did you use SPON Status at all? It's a resource that pops up clicking the same button as you usually do you get your scores and such in MP - default 'I', and shows stuff like how many units are left alive in each group and such. At least for me it's extremely useful to quickly check out how the other groups are doing.
And as to the SCS itself: you surely used it at least for moving the teams around, so I'm guessing you understood those parts. But did you use any of the more "advanced" features such as synchronizing, changing waypoint types/behaviour/combat modes/formations (etc)? Did you use the Alt-click/action menu at all to for instance change between groups? I know I personally usually don't do more than shift-click in new waypoints and rely on the AI to change combat modes and the like, buuut...hey. Better more than less, no?
As to your bugs:
SCS Menu bugging: Yes...dammit. I personally blame the way Actions and addAction/removeaction works. It's a ridiculous and uncertain system that I just never get to work as I want to. I've noticed even the most professional of scripters still manage to get their actions to multiply. Problem is, each action is simply given a number as a return, and you're then supposed to be able to remove that specific number to remove the action. You can't just remove -all- actions, since that might mess with all kinds of things (like all the other actions you've also got assigned to yourself).
It be a mess. But I'll see if I can work some more on that. As to not finding the script...that's a bit weird O.o
Cobra sometimes crashes on its way out quite randomly, so that might be the problem (ArmA issue, sigh). However, did you use the radio menu to try to access it (Auxiliary 2, same way as the Engineers), since it doesn't by default come flying in over Estrella until you move its waypoint and such. The gunner is also made playable, so you can teamswitch into the chopper if you wanted. Might just be a matter of bad luck though. Note that the Cobra's Hellfires can be directed with the LD as well
Squad warping around: this is due to the stuckcheck.sqf by LCD. Basically, what sometimes happens with the AI is that one of them gets stuck someplace for some weird reason, and then the whole group gets stuck and can't move. If you read some of the previous posts you'll see this is often a problem, groups getting stuck out in the open refusing to move and whatnot.
Anyway, the script simply checks to see if there's somewhere the group is supposed to be, and if they don't seem to be moving that way, setpos them slightly to the side to see if it can unstick them. Seems to have worked for me.
Anyway, I think I'll add a check to the script to see how close or far from the player the units are, or alternatively make the jumping a little less pronounced. I didn't myself notice any such jumping though. We'll see
The outro speech is indeed from the official campaign. Figured some war-mongering over the mass graves would be a good way to finish the mission (with some dead RACS soldiers close to an empty 5t truck. Hmm!).
If only I could figure out how the Outro - Lose works, I could make something for that as well...ach well.
Thanks a ton for your beta test! Glad you liked it, and glad you managed to finish it with a minimum of bugs!
Wolfrug out.