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Author Topic: preloading camera  (Read 1346 times)

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Offline LCD

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preloading camera
« on: 22 Jul 2007, 01:26:04 »
I have a cutscene dat have already da perfect timing and all... when i sudenly learned of da whole preload trick dat prevents da nasty loading all textures when changing camera tingy... now da prob is dat i cant seem 2 just preload all da 6 places at once or somin... also it seems preloadcamera works only if i wait for it (using @) now dats not fun.... as it ruins all da cutscene

so is dere nyway 2 just load everything at da start of da intro or somthing ???

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Offline firecontrol

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Re: preloading camera
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jul 2007, 04:05:38 »
As far as I know you can only preload one area. You'd have to redo all the timings. :( Even then, it takes a different amount of time for different computers, which may ruin the timings.

The only way I've been able to use it is with fade out/fade in's... that way you can be assured that it's preloaded on even the slowest PC before fading in.

Waiting for the preload is the whole point, basically. I can't think of a way to get around that.

Offline Mandoble

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Re: preloading camera
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jul 2007, 12:15:02 »
You dont need to use @, but you need to give few seconds to the function before switching the camera to point the preloaded area. For example, you start an intro blacked out and meanwhile there is preloadCamera working while you show some texts in black background, etc. Then you move the camera to the new preload area and launch another preloadCamera for the next area while you execute the camera action of the current camera area.

- Black screen
- preloadCamera new camera action area position
- Camera pointing to the new camera action area
- Some texts or voices
- wait few seconds (use just ~ or Sleep)
- No more black screen, camera action
- while camera action of first scene, preloadCamera of next position (you dont need @/waitUntil as long as your current camera scene last at least few seconds)
- and so on.

Offline LCD

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Re: preloading camera
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jul 2007, 15:06:43 »
can i preload da area while my cutscene is still in da current place ???

and how much time does it take ArmA to forget da stuff it loaded ?

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: preloading camera
« Reply #4 on: 22 Jul 2007, 15:26:26 »
Yes, you can.
And I would say there is not a time limit but a memory availabe limit. If not enough memory free to precach more terrain, old precached terrain would be freed.

Offline firecontrol

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Re: preloading camera
« Reply #5 on: 22 Jul 2007, 17:09:01 »
You can set a timeout on the @ (or waitUntil) too.

_camera camPreload 3;
waitUntil {camPreloaded _camera};

Would only wait 3 seconds before camPreload reported it was finished. For those tricky spots maybe?