LCD, looks like you got i working. How M8?
It's a fix released by secuROM.I shoulda known it wants my DVD in the drive. Kinda tough when I have the Direct2Drive download version.
No big problem though, I had a
spare .exe stashed that I have been wanting to try....that gave me a good excuse.
Maybe I'll get rid of that plaugue aka SecURom for good. Tis a sad day when a guy who has bought ArmA TWICE, once from SoftWrap and again from Atari, has to resort to a hacked .exe to make his game work.
That's why i call it
Crappy Protection!Not your fault Cheetah...I should have RTFM. It may just be a blessing in disguise. But..........
If I start turning into a purple seagull who can't shoot at'll be the first to know.