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Author Topic: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA  (Read 1535 times)

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Offline pexmo

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HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« on: 10 Jul 2007, 08:54:50 »
Hello all.

Well im looking for HD ammo for arma, had it in Flashpoint and it rocked. Some guys on the coop team just get shreaded to often in encounters and the HD ammo realy helps to give the guys a chance to get into cover and return fire. Easier and maybe unrealistic sure but hell of alot more fun in some situations.

Anyone have a HD addon pack for the OPFOR?

Or does anyone have any other tip on how to get the OPFOR to shoot worse but as often?

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jul 2007, 10:56:06 »
There is HD ammo in Skaven's excellent Mercenary pack (found on the BIS forums under Addons : Completed. Skaven's Mercenaries V3 or somesuch), which can also be used separately from the actual mercenaries addon (in a separate JAM-addon pbo). For some reason they're still a lot more accurate than what I remember the OFP HD ammo being (despite apparently using the same values?), but they do up your survival rate quite a bit.

Otherwise I guess there're ways to script it, although my attempts have been slightly unsuccessful  :(

Wolfrug out.
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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jul 2007, 11:43:24 »
I guess there're ways to script it, although my attempts have been slightly unsuccessful
Not that hard actually, the only thing is that it may cause lag/FPS drop whenever large amounts of units firing at once..

Basicly what you do is you catch the bullet within the fired eventHandler, pass it into the script the eventHandler executes and then modify the velocity of the bullet..

There was an old script for OFP to do this but unfortunately the recent(ish) Great Crash wiped the attachment out of the thread it was discussed in..
If I happen to find it from me script collections I will 'ArmAtize' it and post it here..
(hence why I'm not moving this into the Addons board.. yet.. ;) )
« Last Edit: 10 Jul 2007, 11:45:22 by h- »
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Offline Wolfrug

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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jul 2007, 12:58:35 »
Hehe. Yes, the scripting thing -> I think it was Celery who posted a script in the official boards which basically catches the bullets and then makes them MORE accurate (removing the bullet dispersion alltogether). I took that script and simply turned it around, but when applying it to lots and lots of AI it's alas a bit sketchy. I think for some reason it doesn't quite want to work when many AI use it at the same time. Basically I could edit the trajectories of the bullets to the extent that you couldn't hit anything even at 50 meters, but when larger groups of AI were given the same scripts they still killed eachother  :dry:

So that's what I meant with a bit sketchy. But maybe if the script was simple enough JUST to edit the speed of the bullets, then maybe it could work?  :scratch:

Wolfrug out.
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Offline pexmo

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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jul 2007, 14:06:30 »
Have a link to that mercenary pack cant find them...

Offline h-

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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jul 2007, 14:08:59 »
Hmm, would like to see that script..
My searches about it at BI Forums turned up nothing..
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Offline Wolfrug

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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jul 2007, 15:34:46 »
First @pexmo:


Alas to get a hold of the HD soldiers & such you presently need to download the whole pack. But then again I very much recommend it, there're some truly excellent units and lots of new weapons in there!



The search function on the official BIS forums is completely borked, I'll admit to that  :dry: But basically what I did with that script is just extract the x, y and z coordinates and add a dispersion to them (a random number < 1, 1 being ridiculous dispersion, something closer to 0.02 being within the realm of OK). I have the slightly modded script at home, won't be able to get to it for a while yet.

sickboy made it into a .sqf variant if you check further down, too.


Wolfrug out.
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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #7 on: 10 Jul 2007, 16:08:40 »
Thanks  :)

Didn't see any real problems with this one.
The _spd divider, _spd/(20), and skill of the shooter affect on this a lot I guess..

init field (or use in init.sqs/sqf)
Code: [Select]
unit addEventHandler ["fired",{if (_this select 0 != player) then {[vehicle (_this select 0),(nearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4])] execVM "dispersion.sqf"}}];

Code: [Select]
_shtr = _this select 0;
_proj = _this select 1;

_vel = velocity _proj;
_spd = (sqrt((_vel select 0)*(_vel select 0)+(_vel select 1)*(_vel select 1)+(_vel select 2)*(_vel select 2)));

_disp = (_spd/25)-(skill _shtr*10);
_proj setVelocity [(_vel select 0)-_disp+random(_disp*2),(_vel select 1)-_disp+random(_disp*2),(_vel select 2)-_disp+random(_disp*1.5)];

//by h- (OFPEC)
//Based on code (for OFP) by GeneralCoder
Note that this affects every weapon, probably vehicle weapon too, didn't test though..
And didn't test under any FPS drop..
« Last Edit: 10 Jul 2007, 16:51:12 by h- »
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Offline Cheetah

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Re: HIgh Dispersion ammo for ArmA
« Reply #8 on: 10 Jul 2007, 18:51:13 »
Good idea to make a HD script for ArmA. Sadly we need only, just experienced it once more, the AI can fire on full auto without experiencing any kind of recoil.
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