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Author Topic: Go and Defend Script... dont work!  (Read 6677 times)

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Offline BozBog

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #45 on: 24 Jun 2007, 17:32:57 »
nope.. nothing.. check here

; *****************************************************
; ** Fallback *****************************************
; *****************************************************

(truck1 setGroupId ["Zulu","GroupColor5"])
(truck2 setGroupId ["Buffalo","GroupColor6"])
(truck3 setGroupId ["Yankee","GroupColor7"])
(truck4 setGroupId ["Kilo","GroupColor8"])


[] exec "para.sqs"

Officer sideChat "Damn! everybody fall back now! Fall back to the base!!"
Officer sideChat "There's more than 200 unit's here, you people will be overrun!"
Officer sideChat "See you back at the base! Out"

[grp4,truck1,baselog1] exec "trucktobase.sqs"
[grp5,truck2,baselog2] exec "trucktobase.sqs"
[grp6,truck3,baselog3] exec "trucktobase.sqs"
[grp7,truck4,baselog4] exec "trucktobase.sqs"

grp8 move getPos Officer


Offline BozBog

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #46 on: 26 Jun 2007, 21:22:16 »
Hi.. i seemed to have figured it out.. tho the para.sqs is not working. It seems as the script folders dont work, and something in the para.sqs code.. which is weird. Took my ages to figure this out, now the truck picks up the unit's and take them back too the base woo!.. I wanna know.. how would i go about making a grp move to a position.. but somehwere around that position a set distance away...

So basically a random position around the officer within 10m.. i tried this

Code: [Select]
_grp move (getPos officer)sin+5,(getPos officer)cos+4) but due to my rubbish knowledge.. and of course in my logical brain this looks weird.. can someone help me? thanks.

edit: Oh yeh, here's the move script.. works like a charm... guess some people can use it for their missions? lol free script from me!

Code: [Select]
; *******************************************************
; ** BacktoBase *****************************************
; *******************************************************
_grp = _this select 0
_vehi = _this select 1
_pos = _this select 2


? ({alive _x} count units _grp) == 0: goto "truckmove"
? !(alive _vehi) : goto "unitmove"
goto "getin"

_vehi sideChat "Looks like there is no one to take back to the base, truck moving out."

_vehi move (getPos _pos)
@(unitReady units _vehi)


_grp sideChat "Looks like WE have to make our own way to the base, unit's moving out"

_grp move (getPos _pos)
@(unitReady units _grp)


_grp move (getPos _vehi)

@(unitReady units _grp)
_vehi sideChat "We're ready, truck moving out."
({_x assignAsCargo _vehi}forEach units _grp)


([_grp]allowGetIn true)
@(unitReady units _grp)

_vehi move (getPos _pos)
@(unitReady units _vehi)

_grp leaveVehicle _vehi

_grp move (getPos officer)sin+5,(getPos officer)cos+4)


Offline Mandoble

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #47 on: 26 Jun 2007, 21:33:43 »
Code: [Select]
_grp move (getPos officer)sin+5,(getPos officer)cos+4)


Code: [Select]
_ang = random 360
_grp move [(getPos officer select 0)+sin(_ang)*10,(getPos officer select 1)+cos(_ang)*10,0]

Offline BozBog

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #48 on: 27 Jun 2007, 22:12:48 »
thxs a bunch..
I now have another problem! ARGGHH im full of problems!! After my the group leader groupChat's to his team (custom groupChat) nothing else appears afterwards.. i kno cos everytime i press 5,5 (where are you?) he doesnt answer via radio but i do hear him say it.. no groupChat built in message appears...

Here's his custom groupChat message.

Code: [Select]
; *******************************************************
; ** BacktoBase *****************************************
; *******************************************************
_grp = _this select 0
_vehi = _this select 1
_pos = _this select 2


? ({alive _x} count units _grp) == 0: goto "truckmove"
? !(alive _vehi) : goto "unitmove"
goto "getin"

_vehi sideChat "Looks like there is no one to take back to the base, truck moving out."

_vehi move (getPos _pos)
@(unitReady units _vehi)


_grp sideChat "Looks like WE have to make our own way to the base, unit's moving out"

_grp move (getPos _pos)
@(unitReady units _grp)


leader _grp groupChat "Guys, follow me to the truck now!"
_grp move (getPos _vehi)

@(unitReady units _grp)
_vehi sideChat "We're ready, truck moving out."
({_x assignAsCargo _vehi}forEach units _grp)


([_grp]allowGetIn true)
@(unitReady units _grp)

_vehi move (getPos _pos)
@(unitReady units _vehi)

_grp leaveVehicle _vehi

_ang = random 360
_grp move [(getPos officer select 0)+sin(_ang)*10,(getPos officer select 1)+cos(_ang)*10,0]


Its right after the getin marker. Also.. (im thicko lol) is there a way to make the unit's forefully move and at the same time say it on the radio? im sick of the leader say go to blah blah blah (their cycle waypoint) then all of a sudden the leader turns around and run the other way as if abandoning the waypoint and going to a new one without even saying anythin.

now only one more thing that needs fixing (i think)
and it's nothing this community can do.. they need to fix the path finding in all the cities.. it take's age's for a group to move 100 meters to a truck and get in it..

thanks :)  :good:
« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2007, 22:15:54 by BozBog »

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #49 on: 27 Jun 2007, 22:25:39 »
Code: [Select]
@(unitReady units _grp)  :blink: :blink: :blink:

Think about the above monstruosity  :whistle:

Offline BozBog

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #50 on: 27 Jun 2007, 23:12:40 »
lol if it's an english word.. i've never heard of it.. Mando's soo full on advance language! Soz lool wot does that mean? I tried online dictionary.. doesnt help, but i can only guess.. Monstrous? Large? You mean that bit of code is too much? lol.. maybe i should have learnt that at school.. doh!

If that's so.. i'll research on the code now :) hehe thxs.

Offline Mandoble

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Re: Go and Defend Script... dont work!
« Reply #51 on: 27 Jun 2007, 23:50:35 »
Monster-like, monstruosidad, something weird, horrorful and depravated  :P  Whatever I say is not enough to describe that line of code  :P