T_D helped me and produced this
// Gunship Deathmatch
// By ArMaTeC
// Usage: score board system killed
// Edited: 08.06.07 17:40 by ArMaTeC
// Edited: 11.06.07 17:40 by T_D
_GTBody = format [("Game Time: ") + "%1", [ceil(time)] call convertTimeFunctions];
if(ArmA_debug)then{player globalChat format["DEBUG: playerkilled.sqs Started",_GTBody];};
_victim = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;
_victim removeEventHandler ["killed", tx_killed];
_victim removeEventHandler ["dammaged", tx_dammage];
_message ="";
_i ="";
_name_killer = if((isNull _killer))then {"Not found"}else{name _killer};
_name_victim = if((isNull _victim))then {"Not found"}else{name _victim};
if(_killer == _victim) then { _message = format [localize "STR_ISDE",_name_killer];};
if(_killer != _victim) then { _message = format [localize "STR_KILL",_name_killer, _name_victim];};
messagewwdd = formaT [localize "STR_NFLASH",_message];
[1,messagewwdd] call six_fTxRadio;
_updateScore =
private "_varName";
_varName = "arma_s"+str(_this)+"score";
call compile (_varName + " = " + _varName + "+1");
publicVariable _varName;
_updateDeath =
private "_varName";
_varName = "arma_s"+str(_this)+"death";
call compile (_varName + " = " + _varName + "+1");
publicVariable _varName;
for "_i" from 1 to 28 do
_nmbr = str(_i);
call compile("if(_killer == s" + _nmbr + ")then{" + _nmbr + " call _updateScore}");
call compile("if(_victim == s" + _nmbr + ")then{" + _nmbr + " call _updateDeath}");
_pos = GetPos _victim;
_tempObj=["SmokeShellRed",_pos] call six_fCreateVehicle;
sleep 5;
deletevehicle _tempObj;
the problem im havign now is with this script as it returns bool array error. Its to replace
_w1="No Unit Found";
_w2="No Unit Found";
_w3="No Unit Found";
_w4="No Unit Found";
for "_i" from 1 to 28 do
_nmbr = str(_i);
call compile("_w" + _nmbr + " = ""No Unit Found"";");
hint format["W1 = %1",_w1];
for "_i" from 1 to 28 do
_nmbr = str(_i);
call compile("if(alive s" + _nmbr + ")then{_w" + _nmbr + " = format ["%1 : K=%2 D=%3",name s" + _nmbr + ",arma_s" + _nmbr + "score,arma_s" + _nmbr + "death];};");
_GDBody = format [("Game Date: ") + "%1",date];
_separator1 = parseText "<br><br />------------------------<br><br />";
_image = "Images\ArmAtec.paa";
_txt = composeText [image _image,"Gunship Leaderboard",image _image,_separator1,parseText _GTBody,_separator1,parseText _GDBody,_separator1,"==========================",_separator1,image _image,parseText _w1,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w2,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w3,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w4,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w5,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w6,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w7,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w8,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w9,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w10,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w11,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w12,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w13,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w14,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w15,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w16,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w17,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w18,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w19,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w20,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w21,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w22,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w23,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w24,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w25,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w26,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w27,_separator1,image _image,parseText _w28];
hint _txt;
playsound "CMBeep";