thank you, i will try this. however, i know the getpos will get you to the object, but can you give me an example of the layout please?
because i have seen things like this:
; use: [cameraname, shakiness] exec "shakecan.sqs"
_cam = _this select 0
_shakiness = _this select 1
_ox = getPos _cam select 0
_oy = getPos _cam select 1
_oz = getPos _cam select 2
endshake = 0
_rx = (random(_shakiness)) - (_shakiness / 2)
_ry = (random(_shakiness)) - (_shakiness / 2)
_rz = (random(_shakiness)) - (_shakiness / 2)
_cam camSetPos [_rx + _ox, _ry+_oy, _rz+_oz];
_cam camCommit 0
_cam camSetPos [_ox, _oy, _oz];
_cam camCommit 0
? (endshake==0) : goto "shake"
i can hardly understand this. and where it says; use: [cameraname, shakiness] exec "shakecan.sqs"
i just cant figure it out. the alternative was this, which i found more usefukl, but i still couldnt understand it:
;initiate with [name,x,y,z] exec "shakey_camera.sqs"
_unit = _this select 0
_x = _this select 1
_y = _this select 2
_z = _this select 3
stoptracking = false
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
_cam camSetTarget _unit
_cam CamSetFOV 0.7
_cam camSetRelPos [_x + random 0.3,_y + random 0.3,_z + random 0.3]
_cam camCommit 0
? not stoptracking : goto "loop"
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _cam
and againm, i havent a clue what; [name,x,y,z] exec "shakey_camera.sqs"
i know what the execute is, its normally [] exec "xxxxx.sqs" i use it all the time, but its the value name,x,y,z that i dont get
can you explain it at all?
thank you